One interesting point expressed in chapter 1 of Richardson's
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms (2010), was the use of technology and its impact on curriculums. This is definitely a transitional time for all involved in the education of our youth. Revisions of current curriculums are slow to include technology on a grander scale than its used. I believe we are in a challenging time teaching and learning technology. As author Richardson (2010), has expressed our students are more advanced in the use of technology than their teachers. I agree that this technological advancement of our students are more for entertainment, but it is being used nonetheless. Curriculums have yet to catch up to our students. For this reason, students have not learned to properly use technology to its full potential educationally. Most curriculums I have encountered use technology as a backup or support for learning. The teaching of technology has not been adopted in today's curriculums. Still, technology is viewed as on the most important 21st century skills. Today's schools are struggling with curriculums that are constantly taking one step forward and one back at the same time. Teachers are left to incorporate their understanding of technology and learning into a teaching session with little or no support from a curriculum. I do see a shift, but right now schools are caught in the next big transition period in education. I think we are transitioning from the one room school with one textbook to the 20th century format of today